Seminar Moduli Spaces of Enriques Surfaces


Prof. Dr. Liedtke

Prof. Dr. Rosenschon (LMU)

Prof. Dr. Viehmann

Time and place


14:15 - 15:45 in MI 03.08.011

16:15- 17:45 in MI 03.08.011


We want to construct and describe moduli spaces of K3 surfaces and Enriques surfaces. To do so, the first part of the seminar deals with with deformation theory, algebraization, and representability of deformation functors by algebraic spaces and algebraic stacks. We shall also make a couple of detours to geometric invariant theory (GIT) and coarse moduli spaces. After that, we focus on moduli spaces of K3 surfaces Enriques surfaces, starting with the complex point of view using period maps and period domains. Then, we turn to the arithmetic situation. If time permits, we shall study crystalline period maps for simply connected Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2.
