Open discussion: Rules in hierarchical structures


On 19 July 2022 we will meet at 10:30 am to discuss the topic "Rules in hierarchical structures". All staff of the Department of Mathematics are cordially invited.

Event by FACETS of Mathematicians

Our initiative FACETS of Mathematicians cordially invites you to the next event. We would like to discuss together about the topic "Rules in hierarchical structures" on July 19 from 10:30 to 12:00 in the faculty room 00.10.011.

All staff of the Department of Mathematics are cordially invited. Please let us know by Thursday, July 14 by emailing if you plan to come.

Rules in hierarchical structures

We all work at the Technical University of Munich and, thus, in hierarchical structures that have formed over the last 15 decades. Not quite 80 years ago, the first woman was awarded a habilitation at the then Technical University of Munich (THM), and about 55 years ago, the first woman earned a doctorate in mathematics at the THM. Today, about one third of all students, academic staff and professors are women. However, today's generations have inherited the structures of a predominantly male system.

Such male-dominated structures often follow rules that are quite natural for many men - but can become an unexpected obstacle or even a problem for the majority of women.

Therefore, we would like to discuss open and hidden behaviors that make it more difficult for women to reach their goals in such systems. What can one pay attention to in order to get the hearing one deserves? What can be done to avoid being ignored? What leads some to make inappropriate remarks or to put others in unjustified pigeonholes? 

A small humorous animation about this from Pixar can be found on YouTube: