Talent Management & Diversity
The terms "Diversity" and "Talent" are frequently used, but are often interpreted very differently. In the Department of Mathematics of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) we see in both words the many facets of people and personalities - similar to the description given in the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charta & Association).
We want to establish a culture of equal rights and equal opportunities, in which we support and foster the unique abilities and interests of every individual. We see this as an all-encompassing and actively lived talent and diversity management, which is beneficial to the interaction and cooperation in our departmental groups, our research groups and in our department as a whole.
One of our duties is to (further) educate people. It is our responsibility, to ensure that our values of equal rights and equal opportunities are realized in society and passed on to the next generations.
Embedding equal rights and equal opportunities in our structures
University structures offer us space and many opportunities to establish our values, to anchor them and live them actively in our daily interactions.
As representative for Onboarding, Florian Lindemann supports all new arrivals at TUM. He organizes and coordinates onboarding events for first-year students (mentoring program, supportive modules such as "teaching and learning methods") and scientific staff at the Department of Mathematics (Welcome Meeting). He is also available at any time as a contact person for typical questions in the context of arriving at TUM.
- Speaker of the non-scientific staff: tba
- Speaker of the permanent scientific staff: René Brandenberg
- Speaker of the graduate students:
- ISAM Board: contact via drisam@ma.tum.de
- Students: Speakers of the Student Council MPIC
The women's representatives and their deputies at the TUM are active in supporting the equal rights of all genders. These are your contacts at the Department of Mathematics:
Women's representative (Prof. Felix Krahmer) and his deputies from the department
The Advisory Board comprises representatives from the academic staff at mid-level in the career range. We interpret our role as collegial contacts and keep a keen eye on the spread of the workload and the increasing demands on academics in the area of departmental administrative tasks, whilst still regarding the individual abilities and interests of our colleagues. Based upon our knowledge and overview of the situation, we advise the Department Board of Management in their decision processes.
Should you have any queries or issues you may like to discuss with us in this respect, please contact us here: ab@math.cit.tum.de.
In the Studies Office you can find information on all aspects of studying math at the TUM and contact persons for issues from academic advice to support in a variety of personal issues. An overview of the themes and possible contact persons is available here: Studienorganisation.
Programs and initiatives
We want to shape an effective and enduring culture of equal rights and equal opportunities in our department. To attain and maintain this, we offer a variety of programs and initiatives within the context of our talent and diversity management.
FACETS of Mathematicians is a regular series of events for mathematicians in which we meet together to thematize career relevant aspects of mathematics culture. Possible themes are
- gender distribution,
- confidence gap,
- imposter syndrome,
- diversity and
- compatibility of career and family
We welcome you to join us at these events.
The Achievement and Entrepreneurial Awards within the framework of the project Global Challenges for Women in Math Science support scientific careers of female mathematicians though study and research opportunities. Awards are made to particularly successful students, and support is given to PhD students, postdoctoral and junior researchers.
Further information on the program can be found here: Global Challenges for Women in Math Science.
The science program Women in Probability takes place annually. International female scientists in the field of probability theory present their current research. The conference is supported by the program Global Challenges for Women in Math Science. It is freely accessible and attendees of all genders are welcome.
The Graduate Office coordinates and advises on a wide range of topics in the non-academic areas of doing doctoral studies. For questions on applications, supervision agreements or qualification programs, on individual career planing, activities organized beyond your group, the Pre-Doc Program or simply in the case of requiring personal, individual support as a PhD student you are always welcome to contact us.
TopMath: TopMath is a study program of the Elite. Network Bayern, which enables particularly gifted, motivated and capable students to gain a doctoral degree in mathematics in just four years, studying for their Masters and Doctorate in tandem. TopMath students do research in pure and applied mathematics, as well as in related fields of informatics. All relevant information can be found on TopMath.
The Department of Mathematics at the TUM is an open and divers community. We explicitly welcome students and staff of all nations. Students have a wide range of opportunities for study abroad, whilst others welcome guest students to the TUM and support them in settling into a new environment. Individual consultations are available at our International Office.
The Children's Room in the Departmental Building enables flexible childcare with nannies from the agency "Rund um die Familie".
We compliment our permanently integrated program and initiatives with individual consultations and events, which our speakers often identify and further develop. For example, there are a variety of workshops on a wide range of themes for a variety of groups, such as on empowerment of female doctorate students, or between colleagues to gain more understanding of the other people's perspectives on a specific theme.
Alongside the offers and measures within our department, there are numerous further contacts and support opportunities. A wide overview of possible contacts and programs can be found on our page Advice and Support. On our Continuing Education subpage, you will find a comprehensive range of continuing education courses for all employees of Technische Universität München.
If you have any comments, additions, ideas or improvements for this page, or our list of contacts, please feel free to contact us.