Fit for TUMorrow Day 2024

The next Fit for TUMorrow Day will take place on Friday, 8 November 2024

Details and how to register will be available soon.



250 Students. 25 Companies. 95 Company Representatives. 21 Workshops.

On Friday, November 24, 2023, the Fit for TUMorrow Day 2023 took place in the Magistrale of the TUM School of CIT.
Once again this year, students and alumni had the opportunity to meet directly with leading companies from the finance and insurance sector at our company fair. At individual booths, they were able to talk to employees, ask questions about practical know-how and discuss topics such as final theses, internships and career prospects. In one-on-one meetings with employees, there was also an opportunity to discuss specific questions about the job or the company.
In addition, a number of exciting workshops were held on current economic issues and the challenges facing the financial and insurance industry. These workshops allowed students to engage with the speakers and deepen their knowledge of the topic being discussed.


This is the flyer for 2023