Information about participating in online lectures

Here is a brief collection of information about participating in online lectures. Please read this.

  • Please join with video if you feel comfortable with it and if your bandwidth allows it. It helps the speaker to see their audience.
  • Please ask questions! Having active interaction makes the lecture or seminar much livelier, and you will benefit from a positive and friendly atmosphere. Please mute yourself except when asking a question. To ask a question, simply unmute yourself. Alternatively, ask your question in the chat.
  • You may, and it is very encouraged to, use the chat function to ask questions. Feel free to answer someone else's question in the chat if you think you know the answer or have a comment. We will have a moderator who monitors the chat and will pass on the questions to the lecturer. The more discussion, the better!
  • You do not need to download zoom to join the lecture, you can join from your browser, see documentation here. Also, if you feel uncomfortable asking a question with your name visible, you may rename yourself for asking the question. If you still have concerns using zoom, please contact me directly.
  • The notes for lectures will be made available online, hopefully in more or less live time, so you can scroll up. For seminars, we will share notes during or after the talk.
  • Please do not publicly share the zoom link to ensure security.