international Centre for Asset Management, Insurance and Risk Management

iCair is an international, multi-university research initiative with a focus on financial mathematics and insurance.
iCAIR hosts an international workshop every summer focusing on training and professional development. The summer workshop will prepare quantitatively oriented students to pursue careers in academia and/or industry. Activities include academic training in risk and asset management, actuarial science, and the latest innovations in FinTech. In addition, students will also learn career development skills such as leadership, project management, time management and communication skills.
Academic activities including workshops, soft skill training, research projects and internship programs allow iCAIR to prepare quantitatively-oriented students for a professional career in the financial industry and academia.
This experience enables students to bridge the gap between learning and practice. Our partnership with industry brings real world issues to the forefront giving industry access to academic specialists creating a mutually beneficial opportunity for growth and development.
iCAIR Summer Workshop creates:
- a bridge between academia and industry.
- an opportunity for students to gain exposure to the industry.
- a chance for industry to bring their most pressing issues to specialists in academia.
iCAIR Summer Workshop provides
- students with training that will enhance their professional development
- industry with access to expert talent that will reduce the amount of training needed to prepare them for employment.
iCAIR Member institutions

Prof. Dr. Luis Seco (University of Toronto)
Prof. Dr. Rudi Zagst (Technical University of Munich)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Scherer (Technical University of Munich)
Bettina Haas Technical University of Munich Parking 11 85748 Garching-Hochbrück +49 89 289 17400 |