Dr. Oliver Schlick

Technische Universität München
Chair of Mathematical Finance
(Prof. Rudi Zagst)

Postal Address
Parkring 11/II
85748 Garching b. München

Phone: +49 (0) 89 289-17416
Room: 8101.02.102


Short CV

After his time at university, Oliver Schlick entered the banking sector, where he was initially responsible for economic and interest rate forecasting in the research department of the then Bayerische Hypotheken- and Wechselbank. After being recruited to the asset management subsidiary within the group, he began to expand his analytical activities. He became head of the research department and applied his findings to the management of special funds as part of his role as fund manager.

In 2002, he moved to BayernInvest, the asset management subsidiary of Bayerische Landesbank. Via various management functions, he was appointed to BayernInvest's Executive Board in 2008. In this function, he was most recently responsible as Chief Investment Officer for capital market analysis and fund management, as well as for product development and trading. In addition, he headed the "Marketing and Sales" division for several years.

In 2015, he moved into capital market research and consulting, deepening his analyses as an "Associate Researcher" at the Chair of Financial Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich. His research focus is, besides the application of macroeconomic, monetary and currency theoretical approaches to the analysis of the current economic situation, the utilization of scientific findings in concrete capital investment policy and product design.

Since January 2018, Oliver Schlick has been managing partner of Secaro GmbH in Munich, in which scientific findings are applied to the analysis and forecasting of capital markets and options for action that can be derived from them are developed.

Oliver Schlick is Professor of Economics at the University of Bavarian Business (HDBW) in Munich. 

Publikationen in Fachzeitschriften


  • Schlick, O.; Wahl, M., Zagst, R.: Finanzmathematische Frühwarnsysteme in der Aktienallokation institutioneller Anleger. Absolut spezial (Juli), 2019, 52-63 more…
  • Wahl, M.; Schlick, O. & Zagst, R.: Wenn die nächste Krise droht - Können finanzmathematische Modelle in die Zukunft sehen? Versicherungswirtschaft 74 (11), 2019, 78-81 more…


  • Wahl, M.; Schlick, O.; Zagst, R.: To see or not to see - Können finanzmathematische Modelle in die Zukunft sehen? BAI Newsletter (2), 2018, 17-23 more…


  • Schlick, O.; Wahl, M.; Zagst, R.: Finanzmathematische Frühwarnsysteme in der Aktienallokation institutioneller Anleger. Absolut Report 16 (6), 2017, 42-49 more…