Dr. Wolfgang Kirschner

Phone.: +49 (0) 89 2393-2535


Short CV

Wolfgang Kirschner studied Finance, Operations Research and Statistics at Augsburg University and graduated as a Diplom-Kaufmann. Following he received a doctor’s degree from University of Konstanz for his thesis on „Valuation of Interest Rate Swaps“. At the same time Wolfgang managed quantitative and fixed income research with Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank AG in Munich. Then he changed to Allfonds Management, a fund management company, where he was responsible for product development and managing Spezialfonds.

In October 2000 he became Managing Director with Activest, a large fund management company in Germany. At first he was in charge of fund management, product management and product controlling before he became responsible for institutional sales and client relationship management. During that period Activest merged with Pioneer Investments, an international fund management company. Since April 2011 Wolfgang is CEO of Hauck & Aufhäuser Asset Management GmbH, an asset management company based in Munich.

From inception until 2011 Wolfgang was member of the advisory council of HVB Stiftungslehrstuhl (now Chair of Mathematical Finance).

For many years Wolfgang is assistant professor at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences – his main subjects are Portfolio Theory, Security Analysis, Pensions Management.