Pflicht Mathematik Bachelor
Vorkurs MA/PH (Prähofer)
CIT1130005 Lineare Algebra 2 (Kemper)
CIT1130011 Diskrete Mathematik (Weltge)
MA0002 Analysis 2 (inkl Fragestunde) (Friesecke)
CIT1130005 Lineare Algebra 2 (Kemper)
CIT1130011 Diskrete Mathematik (Weltge)
MA0002 Analysis 2 (inkl Fragestunde) (Friesecke)
Aufbau Mathematik Bachelor
MA2006 Funktionentheorie (Matthes)
MA2010 Algebra (Kus)
MA2011 Geometrie (Hoffmann; Richter-Gebert)
MA2012 Einführung in die Optimierung (Vexler)
MA2404 Markovketten (Berger Steiger)
MA3404 Statistical Computing (Ankerst)
MA2010 Algebra (Kus)
MA2011 Geometrie (Hoffmann; Richter-Gebert)
MA2012 Einführung in die Optimierung (Vexler)
MA2404 Markovketten (Berger Steiger)
MA3404 Statistical Computing (Ankerst)
Vertiefung Mathematik Bachelor
MA3005 Partial Differential Equations (Cicalese)
MA3203 Projektive Geometrie (Richter-Gebert)
MA3203 Projektive Geometrie (Richter-Gebert)
Master Mathematik, grundlegend
CIT413042 Case Studies Optimization (Ritter)
MA3081 Dynamical Systems (Kühn)
MA3303 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Wohlmuth)
MA3406 Insurance Mathematics 2 (Conache)
MA3408 Financial Mathematics 2 (Zagst)
MA3602 Applications of Mathematical Biology (Müller)
MA4306 Case Studies in Scientific Computing (Callies)
MA4405 Stochastic Analysis (Gantert)
MA4406 Probability on Graphs (Berger Steiger)
MA4408 Markov Processes (Rolles)
MA4503 Modern Methods in Nonlinear Optimization (Ulbrich)
MA4800 Foundations in Data Analysis (Krahmer)
MA4801 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Sra)
MA5415 Quantitative Risk Management (Min)
MA3081 Dynamical Systems (Kühn)
MA3303 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Wohlmuth)
MA3406 Insurance Mathematics 2 (Conache)
MA3408 Financial Mathematics 2 (Zagst)
MA3602 Applications of Mathematical Biology (Müller)
MA4306 Case Studies in Scientific Computing (Callies)
MA4405 Stochastic Analysis (Gantert)
MA4406 Probability on Graphs (Berger Steiger)
MA4408 Markov Processes (Rolles)
MA4503 Modern Methods in Nonlinear Optimization (Ulbrich)
MA4800 Foundations in Data Analysis (Krahmer)
MA4801 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Sra)
MA5415 Quantitative Risk Management (Min)
Master Mathematik, Spezialvorlesungen
CIT413040 Variational analysis of the Ginzburg-Landau functional: an introduction (Cicalese)
CIT413043 Perfect Simulation for Chains of Finite and Infinite Order (Conache)
CIT413044 Structure-preserving Finite Elements for Computational Electromagnetism (Campos Pinto)
CIT413045 Coding Theory (Weger)
CIT413046 Cryptography & Cryptanalysis (Panny )
CIT413047 Infty Categories (Steffens)
CIT413048 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Sra)
CIT413049 Particle in Cell Methods for the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations (Sonnendrücker)
CIT413050 Resurgence in Geometry and Physics (Alim)
CIT413051 Graph Theory (Hiller)
CIT413052 Case studies Life Science Mathematics (Kuttler; Müller)
MA3241 Topologie (Bauer)
MA3312 Optimal Control of Ordinary Differential Equations 1 (Callies)
MA5075 Axiomatische Mengentheorie und ihre logischen Grundlagen (Johann)
MA5207 Fractal Geometry (Massopust)
MA5225 Polyhedral Combinatorics (Weltge)
MA5306 Random Matrices: Theory, Numerical Methods, and Applications (Bornemann)
MA5348 Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification (Ullmann)
MA5439 Graphical Models in Statistics (Drton)
MA8113 TUM Data Innovation Lab (Acevedo Cabra)
CIT413043 Perfect Simulation for Chains of Finite and Infinite Order (Conache)
CIT413044 Structure-preserving Finite Elements for Computational Electromagnetism (Campos Pinto)
CIT413045 Coding Theory (Weger)
CIT413046 Cryptography & Cryptanalysis (Panny )
CIT413047 Infty Categories (Steffens)
CIT413048 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Sra)
CIT413049 Particle in Cell Methods for the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations (Sonnendrücker)
CIT413050 Resurgence in Geometry and Physics (Alim)
CIT413051 Graph Theory (Hiller)
CIT413052 Case studies Life Science Mathematics (Kuttler; Müller)
MA3241 Topologie (Bauer)
MA3312 Optimal Control of Ordinary Differential Equations 1 (Callies)
MA5075 Axiomatische Mengentheorie und ihre logischen Grundlagen (Johann)
MA5207 Fractal Geometry (Massopust)
MA5225 Polyhedral Combinatorics (Weltge)
MA5306 Random Matrices: Theory, Numerical Methods, and Applications (Bornemann)
MA5348 Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification (Ullmann)
MA5439 Graphical Models in Statistics (Drton)
MA8113 TUM Data Innovation Lab (Acevedo Cabra)
Lehramt Gymnasium
MA1006 Analysis 2 LG (Deiser)
MA1008 Analysis 4 LG (Hofmaier)
MA1106 Lineare Algebra 2 LG (Landgraf)
MA2210 Mathematik-Visualisierung LG (Lange )
MA9962 Staatsexamensvorbereitungskurs zur Algebra LG (Karpfinger)
xxx Funktionentheorie für LG (Deiser)
MA1008 Analysis 4 LG (Hofmaier)
MA1106 Lineare Algebra 2 LG (Landgraf)
MA2210 Mathematik-Visualisierung LG (Lange )
MA9962 Staatsexamensvorbereitungskurs zur Algebra LG (Karpfinger)
xxx Funktionentheorie für LG (Deiser)