Associate Professor for Optimization and Data Analysis, Technische Universität München
2015 - 2021
TUM Tenure Track Assistant Professor for Optimization and Data Analysis, Technische Universität München
2012 - 2015
Juniorprofessor for Mathematical Data Analysis, Institut for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2009 - 2012
HCM Postdoc in the group of Holger Rauhut, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
2004 - 2009
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Doctor of Philosophy; advisors: Percy Deift and Sinan Güntürk
Master of Science
2001 - 2004
Undergraduate studies in Mathematics at International University Bremen (now Jacobs University)
Bachelor of Science
2003 - 2004
Study abroad semester in the Maîtrise at Université de Paris Sud, Orsay, France
August-Wilhelm-Scheer Visting Professorship for Ayush Bhandari (Imperial College London) to visit my research group
Project "Digital Representations of Data on Manifolds", joint with Gitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin) in the context of the Collaborative Research Center TR-109 "Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics" funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG)
Travel grant BayIntAn by the Bavarian Research Alliance supporting a collaboration with Rayan Saab (UCSD) and Mahdi Soltanolkotabi (USC)
August-Wilhelm-Scheer Visting Professorship for Mark Iwen (Michigan State University) to visit my research group
Project "Bilinear Compressed Sensing", joint with David Gross (University of Köln) and Peter Jung (TU Berlin) in the context of the German Science Foundation (DFG) Priority Program 1798 "Compressed Sensing in Information Processing"
German Israeli Foundation Regular Grant "Analysis of Structured Random Matrices in Recovery Problems", joint with Shahar Mendelson (Technion) and Holger Rauhut (RWTH Aachen University)
Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Randomized Sensing and Quantization of Signals and Images"
Project "Sparsity Constraints for Non-Destructive Testing", joint with Russell Luke (University of Göttingen), as part of the joint project initiative ZeMat funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Workshop Organization
Special Session "Compressed Sensing and Low-Rank Recovery" at the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA), Bordeaux, France, joint with Richard Kueng
Special Session "Bilinear Inverse Problems" at the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA), Talinn, Estonia, joint with Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
Special Session "Compressed Sensing and Sparse Regularization" at the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA), Washington, DC, joint with Ben Adcock
Mini-Workshop "Mathematical Physics meets Sparse Recovery" at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, joint with David Gross, Rachel Ward, and Andreas Winter
Workshop "Statistical Issues in Compressive Sensing", Göttingen, joint with Axel Munk
Young Researchers' Minisymposium "Compressed Sensing and Applications" at the GAMM Annual Meeting, Novi Sad, joint with Rayan Saab.
Workshop "Probabilistic Techniques and Algorithms", Austin, TX, joint with Holger Rauhut and Rachel Ward
Bamberger, Stefan; Krahmer, Felix; Ward, Rachel: The Hanson–Wright inequality for random tensors. Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis 20 (2), 2022 mehr…
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Bamberger, Stefan; Krahmer, Felix; Ward, Rachel: Johnson–Lindenstrauss Embeddings with Kronecker Structure. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 43 (4), 2022, 1806-1850 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix; Poskitt, Thomas: Unlimited Sampling From Theory to Practice: Fourier-Prony Recovery and Prototype ADC. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 70, 2022, 1131-1141 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix; Poskitt, Thomas: Unlimited Sampling From Theory to Practice: Fourier-Prony Recovery and Prototype ADC. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 70, 2022, 1131-1141 mehr…
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Eisenmann, Henrik; Krahmer, Felix; Pfeffer, Max; Uschmajew, André: Riemannian thresholding methods for row-sparse and low-rank matrix recovery. Numerical Algorithms, 2022 mehr…
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Florescu, Dorian; Krahmer, Felix; Bhandari, Ayush: The Surprising Benefits of Hysteresis in Unlimited Sampling: Theory, Algorithms and Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 70, 2022, 616-630 mehr…
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Fuchs, Tim; Gross, David; Krahmer, Felix; Kueng, Richard; Mixon, Dustin: Sketching with Kerdock's Crayons: Fast Sparsifying Transforms for Arbitrary Linear Maps. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 43 (2), 2022, 939-952 mehr…
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Krahmer, Felix; Kümmerle, Christian; Melnyk, Oleh: On the robustness of noise-blind low-rank recovery from rank-one measurements. Linear Algebra and its Applications 652, 2022, 37-81 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix; Raskar, Ramesh: On Unlimited Sampling and Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69, 2021, 3827-3839 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix; Raskar, Ramesh: On Unlimited Sampling and Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69, 2021, 3827-3839 mehr…
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Guédon, Olivier; Krahmer, Felix; Kümmerle, Christian; Mendelson, Shahar; Rauhut, Holger: On the geometry of polytopes generated by heavy-tailed random vectors. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 24 (03), 2021 mehr…
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Kämmerer, Lutz; Krahmer, Felix; Volkmer, Toni: A sample efficient sparse FFT for arbitrary frequency candidate sets in high dimensions. Numerical Algorithms 89 (4), 2021, 1479-1520 mehr…
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Verdun, Claudio M.; Fuchs, Tim; Harar, Pavol; Elbrächter, Dennis; Fischer, David S.; Berner, Julius; Grohs, Philipp; Theis, Fabian J.; Krahmer, Felix: Group Testing for SARS-CoV-2 Allows for Up to 10-Fold Efficiency Increase Across Realistic Scenarios and Testing Strategies. Frontiers in Public Health 9, 2021 mehr…
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Krahmer, Felix; Stöger, Dominik: On the Convex Geometry of Blind Deconvolution and Matrix Completion. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 74 (4), 2020, 790-832 mehr…
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Krahmer, Felix; Stöger, Dominik: Complex Phase Retrieval from Subgaussian Measurements. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 26 (6), 2020 mehr…
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Krahmer, Felix; Mendelson, Shahar; Rauhut, Holger: Suprema of Chaos Processes and the Restricted Isometry Property. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 67 (11), 2014, 1877-1904 mehr…
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Krahmer, Felix; Rauhut, Holger: Structured random measurements in signal processing. GAMM-Mitteilungen 37 (2), 2014, 217-238 mehr…
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Krahmer, Felix; Ward, Rachel: New and Improved Johnson–Lindenstrauss Embeddings via the Restricted Isometry Property. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 43 (3), 2011, 1269-1281 mehr…
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Römer, Patricia; Krahmer, Felix: A one-bit quantization approach for low-dose Poisson phase retrieval. 2024 International Workshop on the Theory of Computational Sensing and its Applications to Radar, Multimodal Sensing and Imaging (CoSeRa), IEEE, 2024, 42-46 mehr…
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Florescu, Dorian; Krahmer, Felix; Bhandari, Ayush: Event-Driven Modulo Sampling. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, 2021 mehr…
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Florescu, Dorian; Krahmer, Felix; Bhandari, Ayush: Unlimited Sampling with Hysteresis. 2021 55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, IEEE, 2021 mehr…
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Römer, Patricia; Filbir, Frank; Krahmer, Felix: On the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm for phase retrieval. 2021 55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, IEEE, 2021 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix: HDR Imaging From Quantization Noise. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE, 2020 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix: On Identifiability in Unlimited Sampling. 2019 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
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Graf, Olga; Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix: One-bit Unlimited Sampling. ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix; Raskar, Ramesh: Unlimited Sampling of Sparse Signals. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, 2018 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix; Raskar, Ramesh: Unlimited Sampling of Sparse Sinusoidal Mixtures. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), IEEE, 2018 mehr…
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Bhandari, Ayush; Krahmer, Felix; Raskar, Ramesh: On unlimited sampling. 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), IEEE, 2017 mehr…
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