Picture of Maximilian Penka

Maximilian Penka

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Global Analysis (Prof. Friesecke)

  • Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 17090
  • Room: 5608.03.040
  • maximilian.penka(at)tum.de

I'm a doctoral student in the analysis research group of Gero Friesecke. My research focuses on multimarginal optimal transport with an emphasis on computational aspects and genetic algorithms.
I received my bachelor's degree from the University of Göttingen under the supervision of Axel Munk in 2018, and my master's degree from the Technical University of Munich under the supervision of Gero Friesecke in 2021.


  • G. Friesecke, and M. Penka, Friesecke, Gero, and Maximilian Penka. "Convergence proof for the GenCol algorithm in the case of two-marginal optimal transport."  Math. Comp. (2024) Article Preprint
  • G. Friesecke, and M. Penka, "The GenCol algorithm for high-dimensional optimal transport: general formulation and application to barycenters and Wasserstein splines." SIAM J. Math. Data Sci. 5 (2023), no. 4, 899–919. Article Preprint